I was thinking about Meredith's word of the week, crepuscular. A painting came to mind, Daybreak, by Maxfield Parrish. If there ever was a painting that I wish I had the power to leap up and enter, it's this one. You know how in some cartoons, the characters jump into paintings and the camera seems to follow them as they transform into part of the painting, and the painting comes to life. Take a look at it:

That golden light, those lithe figures, the magic of the space they inhabit, with the open air architecture and the depth of the mountains behind them. The mist rising from the beautiful blue sky... you can smell the freshness of the cool morning air.

One of the perks of my job is that this painting hangs right here in the library of Skywalker Ranch. I can go and look at it whenever I want, and I often do.
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