In the dark of winter

This has been a perfectly splendid week of holiday revelling. Revelling:reveille - to call awake the sleeping earth. Calling back the light. Lighting up the tree and windows to remind the sun of its business. We have had a lot of rain and chill, but yesterday the sun burst forth and lit up the world in a blaze of clean, well-scrubbed glory. The blue sky was filled with seagulls wheeling over ponds. The flooded marsh was aglitter with fragments of light.

There have been many gatherings of friends. A sharing of food and drink, conversation, gifts and laughter. I am overwhelmed the abundance we are surrounded in, and grateful for it too.

Speaking of gifts, our dog Lola can now be translated with the help of a Bowlingual. However, since strapping it on her collar, she has remained remarkably quiet. The handheld devise must be picking up brain waves or sub-sonic barks in the neighborhood, however, for every once in a while a message appears on the screen when you least expect it.

The cat, Rudy, has no such tool handy to him. But he gets his message across without any need of technology. He is a master in the subtle art of body language.
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