I have always heard said that upon seeing the Taj Mahal, one can't help but feel: it's so SMALL! Apparently the pictures exaggerate the size of the place, due to the perspective effect of the columns. So Don't feel badly that the cries of "baksheesh" keep you from visiting it - you may have been disappointed.

One of the funny parts of that book is when the author, Brad, is in Egypt, and is getting sick and tired of all the beggers crying for "baksheesh" (spare change) and "bonbon" (candy). He is also tired of no one being able to pronounce his name (Bread? Brud?) So he introduces himself to some kids as "Baksheesh Bonboni". They get such a kick out of that name that they invite him home and he has a great experience with the whole family. When he rides his bike back through the town, kids call out "Hey, it's Baksheesh Bonboni!!" He really makes an impression... and got the kids off his back for the time being!
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