What a whirlwind weekend!

First the SURPRISE visit of Nance... Hmm, did the surprise go well? Let's just say, that it's not always the easiest thing for Barb to try to take control over my senses (through blindfold, white lies and long drives in the pouring down rain) when I'm tired and cranky on a Friday night. But the energy of having Nance here (almost) completely wiped out all that drama. Nance and I have been friends since 1976, and in recent years, we haven't been able to keep up the communication between here and Seattle the way we would have liked. But, everytime we get together, it's so electric and easy between us.

And then the massage on Sunday, a lovely long one that had me so relaxed I think I was snoring a bit, and then the second surprise of so many fabulous friends gathered in the yard for a feast.

Thanks to all of you who made it so special. You are the best friends anyone could ever have!

Barb, Eve, Aidan, Jeremy, Tina, Janet, Suz, Anna, Deena, Newton, Robert, James, Nance, Dan, JL, Michael, Fred, Glenna, Jennifer, Rick, Mark, Stella, Susan, Eric, Donna, Claude, Tina, Debbie

Nance & I

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