Sporting chance

I've found that throughout the recall as well as other times when the media disturbs me, my eyes tend to linger on the margin of the newspaper where the sports results are printed.

Now, I've never been one of those sporty women. I have a lingering knowledge of sports teams that simply comes from having grown up with three brothers in my family. Indeed, I did attend two Giants games this year, and last year I did watch the World Series. But generally, I could go a year or so without ever tuning in a game on TV. I might see the odd Olympics event when it comes around, or a tennis match if the Williams sisters are battling it out, but really, I never ever read the Sports section.

But here we go: when politics gets weird, or when the liberal "bubble" in which I live seems to be running out of surface tension, I suddenly find myself with nothing else I want to read in the local rag, but SPORTS! Here's a safe place where we can put our interest and passion! If our team loses, not to worry, there's always another game, or at least another season!

With the state vote turning out the way it did, I'm thinking I may have to host Monday night football games at our house, and buy scalped playoff tickets, or maybe even go to some basketball games this year!!
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