Blissful moments

In the recent Harry Potter movie, there's a scene where the boy is learning how to cast a very powerful spell that will repel some soul-sucking monsters. The key to the spell, along with the magic word, is that he has to pull up the a memory of one of the happiest times of his life. This scene made me start to think about what memories I would use, in his place. You know the feeling - one of those moments when all is right with the world, when you can't stop laughing, when everything seems to be in perfect alignment. Surely I have had my fair share of these moments. But still, it's hard to call one up immediately. I'm looking back in time and a few images flicker up through the mists..

My first visit to Paris - as I was crossing the street, I looked to end of the boulevard and there stood the arc de triomphe. To be in Paris, aged 19, to have achieved a lifelong travel goal.

A night in Japan - a hot muggy summer night, hearing the noodle cart play its tune as it came along the street, going out to buy cold soba and then laying there in the dark, eating it. Feeling a part of the culture.

Marching in the gay day parade in the 80s, having our photos taken a million times, basking in the love generated by the crowd. To be part of a growing social movement.

Dancing in the living room on Downey Street. Looking out at the lights of San Francisco from the top of Market Street with Charlie. Swimming in the canyon with John. Seeing a "blender in the sky" with Barbara. Cutting Nance's hair in college. Holding Jeremy and Aidan on the day they were born. The trip to Hawaii with On Q.. every minute.

Now the memories are starting to flow. There are so many. I could hold back that soul-sucker anytime.
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