
Well, the dog is recovering, thanks for all your well-wishes. The vet sticks by his original diagnosis, which was "pay more money and find out she'll be okay if we just wait a while", I guess.

L'Attitude had a fabulous weekend at a workshop in San Ramon, strutting our stuff and singing like crazy. We wore a new outfit which made a big splash. Our goal is to look "extreme", and we are succeeding. The brightly-colored toenails (this time, black covered with green & gold glitter) are just part of the package.

I installed DSL at home last night, as part of Barb's birthday present. I was astonished at how easy it was, and annoyed that I had let the fear of complications postpone it this long. Since we are a bi-OS household (Mac & PC), I thought that might put a wrinkle in it, but I only had to make one support phone call, and if I had been doing it earlier in the day, I could have figured it out by myself. For me, brain power starts to ebb after 4pm, and by 8pm it's amazing that I can still function at all, let alone configure mac os 9 control panels!

On Sunday we attended the "How Berkeley can You Be" festival, in order to see some great Art Cars. I took some good photos and will try to post some here soon.

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