Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving! We spent the whole weekend all of with our wonderful friends. Thursday was t-day at Eve's house, with Eve, Ariana, Aidan, Jeremy, Tina, Deena, Dan, JL, Marsha, Bonnie and Riva. We especially enjoyed getting to know JL.. it was our first holiday with him. Everyone just loves him and we hope that he and Dan will stay together for a long long time. I spoke on the phone with Meredith and she brought me up to date on her Austin news.

Friday, Brad & John were in the city, visiting from LA. So we all went to see "Singing in the Rain" at the Castro theater. It was restored beautifully, and just fun to see again. Humming all the tunes, we met Marc Reid at Foreign Cinema restaurant for a delicious meal. Brad & John are so dear to us. We also spoke with my brother John on the phone, and he told us how he and Fran had biked into Ojai for T'giving, running against the Santa Ana winds on the way in and flying home with the wind at their backs.

Saturday started out with a free screening of Solaris (don't waste any money on this movie). The plus was that Robert & James got up early to see it with us, and then we had a nice breakfast together. I hope James got some gardening in after that. The weather was just warm and beautiful all weekend. Saturday night we had a fabulous impromptu dinner with Glenna & Jennifer. They brought over their new George Jr. roasting pan and two chickens. We had a feast! with leftover beans and stuffing. Then we watched Ya Ya Sisterhood on DVD. It was great. The dogs were happy to get together too, I think. Rudy the cat hid in the bedroom.

Sunday was also a whirlwind. On Q sang at the Harley Davidson club's annual Toy Run. A group of 200 or so motorcyclists paraded to SF General Hospital with toys on their bikes, to donate for the holiday party for kids there without families. We sang for them, and led the group in some carols. Dan & JL showed up at the end and we gave them a little private performance afterwards. The Hannukah party started at 1pm at Eve's.. latkes and applesauce and coffee cake, yum. Then we rolled on over to Michael & Fred's to see the Sopranos over Fred's delicious homemade pizza.

We are so blessed to have you all in our lives.
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