Harmony seekers

Like most bloggers, I take a look from time to time to see how many readers I have at this site - actually, it inspires me to keep on writing when I see that 3 or 4 people have taken time out of their day to peruse the site. What I find most fascinating about the people that wander to my cyberplace is that many of them have done a search in google or yahoo for "harmonic convergence".

When I picked the name for my blog, I was thinking about four-part harmony, and about the clash and then the melding of my artform with the internet. I was NOT thinking much about the event that I remember first appearing into public consciousness in the 80's sometime, when the planets were supposed to be in alignment and that soon all humankind would come to its senses. (I'm guessing that didn't happen yet.)

I actually remember that harmonic convergence, because my friends threw a party to celebrate it. Well, I WAS living in San Francisco at the time. It seems to me I have a photo of us (very pre-digital), sitting on lawn chairs in Noe Valley. There were no planets lined up behind us.

Anyhow, apparently many people are still thinking about the planetary event, or at least are looking for meaning in the spheres. If you are one of those, can you email me and let me know why? or what has inspired you to search the internet for the big H.C.?
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