Farewell, Voyager

I read in the paper today that the Voyager has reached the end of the solar system, they think. I remember when it was launched in 1977... what a nobel venture, to reach out beyond our realm, into the void of space. A smidgeon of the archives of the human race went along for the ride, including a recording of Johnny B. Goode and pictures by Michelangelo. To think that just now it has arrived a the edge of sunlight, known to scientists as "termination shock", 8 billion miles away. That term is somewhat mystifying - I would suggest instead, "where the sun don't shine".

I wonder if the universe bends back on itself, and someday the Voyager should come back to Earth - will our children's children's children's children recognize it as their history? Will they have the technology to play Chuck Berry in whatever format they used in 1977?
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