Singing beats everything

There is nothing more fun than singing. Honestly, even if you aren't a good singer, isn't it fun? To put your head back and belt it out, snapping your fingers, singing some song that you know and love?

Yesterday was just about as good as it gets for a singer. My quartet came over to my house, we got all dolled up and went over to the civic center to perform in a matinee that the local men's chorus was putting on. (In other words, we didn't have any responsibilities except to show up - that's the best kind of gig.) The venue was intimate but the audience was enthusiastic, and my girlfriend was in the audience and cheered when I got introduced. We sang really well, and even remembered the dialog that we had just put together before the show. Then we went out for dinner at a great Italian place nearby, came home and had some homemade apple pie with some desert wines that Tina brought from Windsor, and then trotted over there again for the evening show. The house was less full but more enthusiastic, and after it was all over, the men gave us a check. Getting paid for having a totally fun day... you REALLY can't beat that.

On top of all that, we had some time to rehearse our holiday music, and work on Something's Coming (from West Side Story).. which is new for us. I think that song will become one of our best, once we get it down. For me, singing songs from musicals is done in my original voice, the most "innate" type of singing - since I did it in childhood, before I knew anything about "how to sing" or if I was any good. It's very organic, natural. To combine that kind of singing with my quartet's backup is bound to be fabulous.

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