Ready for take-off

We will be going to New York tomorrow, how exciting! I just love getting on an airplane, even these days with airports being as unpleasant as they are, the moment of take-off remains a thrill. And to be able to look out and down at the clouds. I watched the news last night (not a usual thing for me) just so I could see the footage of the first commercial flight into space. My brother John was there in the Mojave, covering the story for his radio station.

The poll that the local TV station took showed that 60% of those asked would NEVER go into space, 30% would do so if it cost less than $10,000, and 8% would go, at any cost. I'm not sure what the price point for me is, but I love to fly, and would go just about as high as I can go. (Now the tune from Oklahoma! is going through my head.."just about as fur as she kin go..")
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