9/11 thoughts

We saw Fahrenheit 9/11 while in NY, and I was very impressed with the film. I had worried that I wouldn't respect it, since I'm not a huge Michael Moore fan - that is, the other films of his that I have seen have fallen short of good filmmaking, in my opinion. But this film was remarkably good, with a coherent message, presented in a reasonable order, with humor and incredibly powerful images.

I think that even if you don't believe everything Moore presents as the truth (and how could you?), you probably will leave the film shaken and sad, as I was. The sounds and images from the WTC attack were the most powerful - especially since we just got back from NY. Hearing the sounds of the crashes and seeing the ashes fall.

When I was in high school, I wrote a paper about the dangers of a military industrial complex. Sometimes it seems all that I feared has come to pass. What I don't understand is why the rich and powerful believe that the war economy is better than the peace economy. Why isn't it just as profitable to build infrastructure in Afghanistan as it is to blow it up? I guess it's twice as profitable to blow it up and then to build it back up again.
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