Watch the birdie

I just love watching the birds at the feeder. In the winter, they crowd around and jockey for position. They do seem quite polite, at least within their own size group. One will eat a few seeds, and then another will flutter nearby to remind him, "hey buddy, your time is up!". The first will fly off to the nearby bushes and let the second bird take his spot.

Normally we get a flock of robins in January to come and eat every single holly berry from our tree. I'm hoping it's the unusually cold weather that we had this year that has delayed them.. not some robin-related environmental disaster. Due to the robin's absence, the sparrows have taken up residence in the holly tree and fly in and out en masse.

Just this week, the woodpeckers have returned. Their rat-a-tat-tat during our morning walk is a pleasant sound. Yesterday, I saw a hummingbird hopefully buzzing around the rosemary bush. The sunny weather has finally emerged from a month of low fog, and we saw white wild flowers pop up along the mountain trail. The rest of our birds' return can not be far away.
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