I would like to give you a welcome also, Nance. Maybe I needed a new element in the blogsphere, since I have been dragging a little. I like the way we are using the blog space, though, not as a diary, but a place for ideas to burst out (enhanced by graphics, of course).

When I hear the name Nancy, I hate to say it, but the first thing that comes to mind is Rocky Raccoon. My mind just starts spontaneously singing. " And everyone knew her as Nancy". There are a lot of those types of things in my brain that sometimes I wish I could erase. Like: Who was the dummy in grade school or whatever who taught me the fake words, "Be kind to your web footed friends, 'cause a duck could be somebody's mother . . ." I just can't help singing those stupid lyrics along with the Stars & Stripes Forever, as many times as I have heard, sung and played it in band. Help! I've been attacked by aliens.

There are certain puns and jokes that I also would love to delete from the creases of my cranium. One example is that when people mentioned Pittsburgh for some reason, I always used to say, "Oh, I was born in Pittsburgh ( then a dramatic pause ) . . . at a very early age". Very funny. I liked to do this, because it was a kind of gauge to see if people got it. It would go right over the heads of people who had no sense of humor, or weren't listening or were too dumb to catch it. However, it has become another robotic demon for me, because there is no way that I can EVER hear the word Pittsburgh without my pavlovian desire to tell that stinking joke. I'm sitting alone reading a book somewhere and these things get triggered, for crying out loud.

PS It is true, I WAS born in Pittsburgh.

(at an early age.)
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