The future is now

I saw this product, Sapphire, demo'ed on Good Morning America the other day. It's a liquid that doesn't get anything wet... for fire extinguishing purposes. A woman on the show (NOT the host, but some lower-status, hair-do risking person) even dipped her ponytail into the tank, and by the time she stood up, the hair was nearly dry. The book that had been dipped could have its pages ruffled, and the laptop functioned.

They said that it is completely non-toxic and safe, but do you really believe it?

And in today's paper, someone right here in Marin is marketing the concept of getting your cat cloned. Honest to Pete, would you pay $50,000 to get a copy of your cat?? They polled some passers-by, and no one said they would do that. Perhaps the business will fail, once they find out that personalities can not be cloned.
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