At long last

I have been so negligent of my blog! but only for very good reasons - being unplugged for summer fun with the kids. We took Ariana, Jeremy and Aidan to Yosemite for a couple of nights, and then we went river rafting. Last year we started a summer tradition of a week-long trip..and we had to try to top Disneyland. I think we succeeded.
Yosemite was as magical and amazing as usual, despite smokey mornings due to a fire up near Glacier Point that made for sepia-colored light and obscured the view at times. We stayed in Camp Curry, which I have renamed Camp Calcutta. Remind me not to stay there again. July brings millions to the park, and they all were tramping back and forth past our cabin during the wee hours. Luckily, we knew how to escape the crowds: simply go on a path that is not paved. You don't even have to leave the valley floor - just go five minutes up any trail. We saw lots of deer and visited my favorite tree in the park. Ariana heard someone talking about how her car had been smashed up by a bear, but we didn't see any bears.  We spent most of the time in the Merced River:

The river rafting trip was a huge success, deemed "way better than Splash Mountain" by the kids. We went with Mariah and our guide was charming, and even handled Jeremy's falling off the boat with grace and skill.

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