Rain, rain, come again

My niece, April, is visiting for a couple of days, and we took her for a hike up the beautiful creek trail. Rain was threatening, but it didn't look serious. The sun was hiding behind a grey sky, peeking out from time to time.

This trail is really spectacular. Everytime we go up it, I am more and more in love with it. The ferns are coming up big now, and the creek is full and singing loudly with spring fever. There is one spot where you can actually see seven little waterfalls stair-stepping down the hill.

Well, by the time we got on the trail, it had started to sprinkle, but we persevered because most of the time we were under the trees, and well, it's just so pretty. By the time we got up to the redwood glen, it was raining pretty hard, and all the way back, we just got wetter and wetter! We were three drowned rats and a dog by the time we got home. But it was fun, sort of adventure-like, to just submit to the rain.

We drove through the storm later on, to go to Dan's Oscar party. Great fun and celebrity-dishing and sparring over the tivo remote was had by all.
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