Signs of Spring

Some say "watch for the first robin", or check for the greening of the willow trees. Allergies start up when the acacia blossoms, and the yellow and purple wild flowers start appearing on the hillsides. The roadside daffodils give way to the iris, and the calla lilies are in bloom again. But for me, spring has REALLY arrived when I see this at the farmer's market:

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Spargel - - - That's the german word for that wonderful stuff.. It's funny how that's what my mind thinks of first. It just seems more correct a name than asparagus. We were in Germany in 1970 and took a crash Deutsch class from this lady who worked there in Stutgart at the Mercedes or BMW plant. We always laughed because 90% of our vocabluary was; windshield, brake system, clutch, dashboard, etc.
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