
All is flux; nothing stays still. There is nothing permanent except change. Change is good. It will all turn out for the best. When god closes a door, he opens a window. All these maxims that we recite, just to keep ourselves from admitting - gawd, we hate change!

Since we are moving our workplace to a "new, fabulous new facility", there are changes a-plenty around here. I like to watch for the symptoms. People bitch and moan. People complain and whine. So do I. Bosses get defensive. They lay down rules and that just makes people madder. The sunny optimists (who are really in denial about hating change) get laughed at by some and shunned by most.

My (new) supervisor (another change) kindly asked us where we would like to sit and what type of work environment is best for each of us. I'm sure we all told her very clearly what we like. I told her that I preferred a quiet workplace with light. However, thinking back, perhaps I wasn't clear at all, because what I'd like best is to stay right where I am, on a 3rd floor loft, with mahogany desks, surrounded by 18 huge windows with a view of the hills and the lake, with only 2 quiet officemates who are way on the other side of the room. I'd like to be only a 10 minute ride up a country road from my home. Instead, I'm going to be commuting with lots of traffic (unknown hours on the road), to a crowded facility with no windows, cube farms, and ugly furniture (according to those who have been there). Of course, these reports are tainted with the fear of change. I am willing to wait and see.

But waiting to see is hard, and in the meantime, I have dreams every night about the new place. I am lost in a large building, with a confusing map, wandering among strangers. I can't figure out how my computer works, there is no light to tell me which direction I am heading, I can't find the bathroom.

We move at the end of this week.
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We moved to our new building , lost the soul of the place we were in, in grubby Hollywood. Got fancy studios, with great high tech gear,but are now stuck in poorly located corporate high rise.
Some change sucks.
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