London calling

Sad news from England today. It is quite different to hear about current events via blogs and news feeds than it is to hear it on the radio or television. I first heard of the bombing attack indirectly, by reading commentary on some of the blogs I read daily, like, "Thinking of our dear friends in London today", which led me to and to read the facts. Then I went to to see some images, which made the events more vivid. With traditional media, the images/news/commentary are simultaneous and therefore cause a more heightened reaction.

There are so many things I do online that I used to do in a different way. Shopping, communicating, reading news, viewing photos, reading, the list goes on and on. Today I'm listening to the men's international barbershop convention webcast. I have spent quite a bit of time putting together travel arrangements to Pittsburgh this month (for Grandma's memorial). Today I listened to a recording of my brother sing and play guitar, in preparation for a hymn we are going to sing together. I'm going to add some harmony and send a recording back. Virtual rehearsals.

Barb and I were talking a bit about whether 200 years is a long time or a short time. Since I am 50 years old now, I think about children born this year, and then two more 50-year spans ahead (or behind). That period seems quite short. But think about how far removed we feel from the life styles of those who lived in 1805! Think of all the things I do now online that I couldn't conceive of, only 10 years ago!
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Gee, I have several reactions to the thoughts in this entry, but the first is, that even cable news, let alone the traditional news (non-print) media better do something to keep us watching. It is hard to do so now. Personalities and continual zooming FOX or CNN logo graphics are not enough to ofset the lack of choice and variety. I don't need to hear for the fourth or fourteenth time that there are no or "very few" new developments in ______ (fill-in-the blank with Michal Jackson, Peterson, Aruba, runaway bride, ect.) On line you get that same news, but have interactive choice to not get it, or select from blog opinions, columnists, all sorts of pages and most important to the future, RSS feeds. Such fertile and controlled information is clearly part of that new universe, that you are describing Leah.
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