Thank you, Sheriff

Last night I was driving home very late after an exhausting day. Wednesdays get very very long for me.. there is the usual mid-week stress at work, and then I start what I sometimes think of as my second job, chorus rehearsal. Yesterday we had a quartet rehearsal in between work and chorus. At chorus, I was giving three personal vocal lessons, setting up the room for a party, and teaching a new song. All that, on top of just plain working on the risers, trying to learn choreography and sing well, too.

Anyway, on my way home I was just about as tired as I get. As I pulled off the freeway, I just knew I wasn't slowing down as much as I should be (our road is posted at 25mph). I even remember thinking, I wonder if I really will get more speeding tickets, now that I have a red car? And sure enough, the sheriff pulled me over not 2 minutes from our house. He asked me how long I had lived here and what the speed limit is. I just sighed and said, I know I was going too fast - I'm just so exhausted, and want to get home. There was no point arguing or playing cute. He checked out my license and came back to say, go on home.. I'm just giving you a warning.

I will have to be more careful with my little red car (named Zora).
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