Sniffling through the week

I finally caught the cold that everyone around me has already had. I think I caught it in the carpool on Monday - as I climbed in the car, I realized that everyone in there was busy putting out a viral soup. But it really hasn't been too bad - one day where I couldn't think at all (interference in the sinuses) is not much to complain about. Today, I'm more human but my voice is still pitched a bit low. I give credit to mega-doses of vitamins and lots of liquids.

Coming up soon will be the California democratic primary. I just can not get interested in the campaign, mainly because none of the candidates have caught my interest. I don't understand why Dean had such appeal and then could lose it so quickly. If the media can influence voters to change their votes that quickly, I don't think the candidate had a very strong hold on them in the first place.
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