Bleary but happy

The regional weekend is an annual exhaustion-fest. We usually go from Thursday all the way through Sunday with only 3-4 hours of sleep per night, and in between there is plenty of singing, walking in uncomfortable shoes, stress, excitement, drinking, laughter and tears. This year was no exception, and the roller coaster of emotions was even wilder than usual.

My chorus came in first place, but Mission Valley came in a very close second place. This felt right somehow, since our quartet comes from both choruses, and all four of us needed the boost of a good score and a tight finish... after the disappointing 7th place that L'Attitude got.

Saturday night was one of the most fun times I have ever had. First of all, the quartet got to perform all over the hotel and at the afterglow, and we felt we sang strong and performed well. Then, the four of us partied in our room til the wee, wee hours. In our case, the partying was mostly laughter. We laughed til ribs hurt, knees had to be squeezed, eyes damp. Story telling, gossip sharing, martini drinking, petit four eating, you just had to be there. We are just so happy to be in this quartet together.

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Congratulations to your chorus! And I love your quartet costumes!
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