Facing Off

Photo Friday's theme is "faces" this week - this is a theme?? It just doesn't say anything to me. My people photos are all of faces, it seems. I guess I absorbed just a little bit of my dad's philosophy on photo-taking, that there MUST be person in ALL photos. My asparagus photo below notwithstanding.

It has been a busy week, with dress rehearsals for our upcoming quartet and chorus contests on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. At work, I'm converting files to a new software format, which makes me think about the word convert vs. the word converge.

con·vert (k?n-vûrt') To change (something) into another form, substance, state, or product; transform: convert water into ice. To change (something) from one use, function, or purpose to another; adapt to a new or different purpose: convert a forest into farmland.

con·verge (k?n-vûrj') To tend toward or approach an intersecting point: lines that converge. To come together from different directions; meet: The avenues converge at a central square. To tend toward or achieve union or a common conclusion or result: In time, our views and our efforts converged.

At work, there is a whole lot of both going on. I'm converting files, and departments are converging. Whether or not a union will be achieved, as divisions merge and hierarchies are re-defined, is up in the air.

In fashion news, a beautiful new outfit was designed and made by our seamstress for our quartet to wear at contest. You could call it a jacket or a duster, but Mary describes it as a magical robe in which we will sweep onto the stage!

The geek update is that I have discovered RSS feeds, and now have a feed at Bloglines to which you can subscribe. If you come here often, you may want to try this out.
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I have been trying to find a good way to use RSS as a user for a long time. I think they are the only way you can drink from the firehose sometimes. I have tried quite a few (free) readers, and now use Firefox's built in live bookmarks or whatever they call them. One feeds I like for odd things is http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/oddlyenough
I usually see an entry or two that I have to read, but aI don't have to go to the page to decide.
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