
Today's Photo Friday theme is violet, which I can't resist. Purple has been my favorite color almost as long as green has. There are pictures of me in purple t-shirts in my teens, which I think was the first time that purple clothes were made available. Of course, violet is NOT purple, it's the pastel cousin of purple. For some reason, violets (the flowers) are NOT violet, but rather are deep purple.

Speaking of flowers, the picture that popped into my mind when I saw the theme was the photo I took of gentians in Switzerland in 1971. For some reason, before I went to Switzerland, the gentian was the flower that I most wanted to see when I got there. (You would think it would have been the "edelweiss". But perhaps because it was purple?) I didn't know the name of the flower in French or German. I knew it bloomed only on the high alpen peaks, in the snow. Finally, on one hike up in the Alps, I spotted the elusive flower and took this picture.

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