1995 - New Orleans

Ten years ago, our chorus competed in an international Sweet Adelines convention in New Orleans, and we enjoyed an extra week of vacation there, after the convention. My brother Scott and his family joined us, as did my sister Meredith and my stepmom, Jean.

I heard on the radio that the zoo, where this photo was taken, is still okay. They have only lost a couple of otters and a few seabirds. The animals are not happy about all the low-flying choppers, but apparently the zoo personnel has stayed there and supported the animals during this ordeal.

We performed in the Superdome arena. What a thrill it was to sing in such a large venue! Scott told me today that he didn't like New Orleans because the city forced him to feel like a tourist - it didn't allow him to feel like a traveller. I think that might be because of the wide gap between tourist money and local poverty. I enjoyed the city for the beautiful buildings and the historical districts, as well as the food and party atmosphere. Here's Scott tossing a frisbee around, just outside the dome.

We walked all around the city, especially the French quarter. We visited the Voodoo museum and the Mardi Gras museum. I wonder how these feathered costumes have fared the storm. We stayed in a very noisy hotel right in the quarter. We peered out through the wrought iron gate at the hoardes of people passing by on the street. Tourist or Local? we guessed about each one. Most had to have been tourists.

We all live in a delicate balance with nature. Our society tends to try to package our nature away, in preserves and parks. Nature can not be packaged, as large events like hurricanes and earthquakes remind us. The city can be rebuilt, but it will never be the same. The beautiful bayous that we visited just outside New Orleans may have flooded, and they will return someday.

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