Barb is going to be writing another essay on food for Safeway's magazine, and so we were talking about food memories. I was thinking that every person I know probably has a food memory associated with them. Let's start with the family:

Mom: Macaroni and cheese. I have tried to make it like she did, but it never comes out crispy enough on top. Canned tomatoes and lots of cheddar cheese, and milk. Baked in a bowl.

Dad: Fish. Preferably one that he caught. Not that he fished much. Mom hated the smell of fish, so it always was a big deal whenever we got to eat it. And she let us know that she was only cooking it as a favor to him. "MM, Marvelous!", he would say.

Meredith: I think the very first time I had brown rice was at Meredith's. I associate health food and fresh vegetables with her.

Bob: White bread in a bowl with milk and sugar. This taste treat was something that Bob taught me to eat as a snack.

Scott: Cherry phosphates and Reese's peanut butter cups. Scott was so kind to me when I was a kid. He took me for phosphates downtown at the soda fountain. And he collected the paper "coins" that came wrapped in the bottom of peanut butter cups until he had enough to get an entire box of peanut butter cups. Somehow I was involved in this scheme. I remember the glee when the huge box of candy arrived. Funny, I don't like Reese's today.

John: I can't think of a food right this second that I associate with John, but I think of him at the dinner table, tipping back his chair. Farther, farther. Didn't he tip over at least once? Or did Scott give that chair a tiny kick?
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