
We went to see the film "Mirrormask" today. I had heard a little about it on a radio show, about how the animation was done very cheaply (by industry standards), by utilizing a crew of young animators who were just starting out after attending school. The story was classic - a young woman on a quest to understand herself and her relationship with her mother. The animation and visual imagery was astonishing and beautiful. As I watched it, I found myself holding my breath at times, and sighing with satisfaction.

Sadly, perhaps because of its low budget, this great movie will probably not get the distribution of a larger budgeted film. It was produced by the Henson (of Muppet fame) family, so that might help. However, we saw it at our local independant theater, which screens films like Winged Migration and Genghis Blues. It's not showing at the multiplex.

Like the girl in the movie, I recently feel like I am staring into a mirror to see, darkly, what might be reflected. The reflection is not clear at all. The past stretches somewhat clearly, but is the path ahead a reflection or a distortion of what's in that mirror? I am poised, at 50, to begin the second half of my life. I want to move into it with strength and assurance, not stumbling blindly.
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I love your optimism. At age 50 poised to begin the "second half" of your life! I guess If G-Ma Miller can mae it , we all can? :)
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